Autonomous Floor Cleaning the Smart Way

Cobi 18 artificial intelligence excellence award 2023
ICE Cobotics Cobi 18 working in healthcare facility

Easy to use thanks to user friendly technology
Cobi 18 is easy to use
Consistent Higher cleaning frequency
Cobi 18 ensures consistent cleaning
Takes over repetitive Cleaning tasks
Cobi 18 takes over repetitive tasks
Compact and maneuverable
Cobi 18 is compact and easy maneuverable
i-Synergy Portal Screenshot


We're Trusted by Industry Leaders

Cobi 18 contributes to the service facility management team by maintaining a quality clean, so the floor specialists worry less about it.

Roy Boomkamp

Operations Manager CSU

Cobi is very affordable and the financial risk is minimal for us, so we decided to bring Cobi on long term.

Chris Culver

Purchasing Manager

Increased productivity is the main benefit that I see. It saves time, productivity goes up, we see more square footage cleaned, and we get more things done.

Jerry Kouba

Environmental Services Manager

Since bringing on Cobi, the floor techs can take on other tasks and help cover shifts in other departments if a staff member is off.

Cynthia Randall

Project Supervisor

In the month of February, we essentially added 245 hours of labor, that weren't previously there, by utilizing autonomous equipment, and this has enabled staff to focus on the more critical issues we face.

Eric Heilmeier

Director of Campus Services

When you look at $15 a day to operate Cobi vs $13 an hour to employ a person, we're realizing significant savings each day on our floor cleaning costs.

Eric Bradley

Executive Director

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